We are off to spend the evening at my parent's house just as we do each year. I think that Noah thinks Santa will miss him if we aren't my parents!! I've mentioned staying home and going over there on Christmas Day but nope, he won't hear of that! I do enjoy it though. We go to the Christmas Eve church service and then go back to my parent's house and have appetizer/snack type foods. Then we usually watch some type of Christmas movie - I think it's been Elf the past two years and then it's off to bed!
I leave you with this year's Christmas card. I designed it myself and am pretty proud of it. I made three different ones before this one and they just didn't say "us" to me. Then finally, when I was finished this one, I knew I had captured us.
Happy Christmas Eve!!
Until three years ago we had the traditional red and white stockings and then for Christmas, Santa brought me a new stocking that totally fit me. It's a pink high heeled shoe and says "Princess." I just love it!
So after receiving that stocking, when Christmas rolled around the next year I was on a mission to find stockings that were unique for Noah and J as well. We ended up with a Superman stocking for Noah and a Clemson stocking for J, both found on ebay.
My little (ok, tall but younger) brother, Andy, is having surgery for a deveiated septum today. My parents have driven down to where he lives (a few hours away) to be with him for the surgery. We sent him a card with the picture below. Keep my bro in your thoughts and prayers today, please!
Update 10 PM – When Noah talked to my parents a bit earlier, Andy was at his house drinking 7 up and lounging on the couch.
As the mom of a special needs child, I'm always on the lookout for disabled people and their disabilities being highlighted in positive ways. I love for the general public to be able to see the disabled in a positive light. There is one new holiday commercial that I am just in love with at the moment as it features signing, commonly known as American Sign Language.
This commercial is for Kay’s Jewelers and features a young couple by a Christmas tree. The young man of the couple begins to sign and speak and says (to the young lady) that he isn’t very good at signing yet but he is trying. She signs to him and the captions on the screen tell us that she says he is doing just fine. Then, he tells her (in sign language of course) that he learned a new sign today and he signs “Merry Christmas.” And then he hands her a Kay Jeweler’s box. She opens it and inside is a beautiful silver watch. He then asks her if she likes it and she signs “Read my lips” and then lays on a big smooch.
This is one of those commercials that leaves you feeling warm and fuzzy and it makes me proud that it is a commercial featuring something considered to be a "disability."
Check out the commerical here - you won't be sorry!
"What you are is God’s gift to you. What you become is your gift to God.”
Since Noah doesn't like regular sweets we got creative and made a version of the trail mix that my Mom makes. I put in some of Noah's favorite things and then threw in two sweet things that the other kids might enjoy so it consists of popcorn, goldfish crackers, mini pretzels, candy corn, and M&Ms. I'm sure the kids will love it!
While Noah was at school today I finished making the "mummy cups" which are a Halloween goodie for his classmates. They are just white cups wrapped with white fabric to look like a mummy and two wiggly eyes are glued on. Once Noah got home, we stuffed them with some goodies for his classmates and then I bagged them up and tied ribbons to close them.
So, we are ready for Halloween here! Come back tomorrow to see a picture of Noah in his costume!!
I'm not that good at taking pictures at Noah's parties because I am typically so involved so this time I just gave my niece, Holly, my camera and let her go to town. (Thank you for being my photographer whenever I need you to Holly! You take much better pictures than the husband!!) She took a TON of pictures; so many that I am really having a hard time deciding which ones to share here!
Twelve years ago on this day at 2:12 in the morning an impatient tiny baby boy made his early entrance into this world. The moment he was born my life changed forever. His first breath took mine away - I was in awe. I was in love. I was exhausted. I was a MOM!
I took the pictures of myself featured in this layout the day before my 32nd birthday. I usually don't like pictures of myself very much but for some reason, I liked these so I decided to make a little "32 year old me" layout. I love the way it turned out and think this is something I'm going to start each year!
I used a digital scrapbooking kit by Shabby Pumpkin but I don't think her kits are available anymore.
Reviews: Cock of the Walk in Ridgeland, Mississippi: Amazing Catfish No Way Jose's in Pigeon Forge, TN: Awesome Tex Mex Food
As you probably read in my blurb, my name is Nicole but most of my friends call me Coley, so you can call me Coley too. :) I'm a thirty something southern gal. I am sensitive yet passionate, simple yet complicated, loving yet defiant, dependent on others yet independent. I have big dreams yet realistic goals. I wish I could "save the world like I was super girl." I am a people person, I like to shake things up and make things happen!
I'm a work at home writer - yep that means I can work in my jammies if I want to! I love words and I love to write so when writing for a living fell in my lap, I jumped at the opportunity and soon discovered that I was really good at it! I began writing about adoption professionally at AdoptionBlogs three years ago and was solely writing about open adoption and unplanned pregnancies but over time I have added other paid writing gigs to my resume about a variety of different topics.
I'm also proud to be one of the founders and the director of BirthMom Buds, an organization that provides support to birthmothers and pregnant women considering adoption.
Since I write a lot for a living, this blog was born out of the need to write about personal things that I don't write about in articles as well as way to share photos and keep out of town friends and family up to date on what's going on in our lives.
I'm a very creative person and love crafting and digital scrapbooking. I'm also very into photography and am always pushing myself to try new things with my photos. If you look around my blog long, you'll notice that my favorite subject is my son, Noah, and that my favorite type of photo is a black and white photo with selective colorization (meaning one part of the photo is in color). This year I'm participating in "Project 365" where I'm taking a photo a day so you'll find lots of posts labeled "Project 365" on this blog.
My Hubby, J
Noah is currently 12 years old. He was named after “the man God loved so much he gave us rainbows,” so I often call Noah my rainbow. He really is the center of my life. Noah is your typical 12 year old – he loves big dogs, the color blue, t-ball, and roller coasters just like many other 12 year olds. But Noah is special – he has cerebral palsy and epilepsy. Noah was diagnosed with cerebral palsy around the time he was 8 months old. A wheelchair is his main mode of transportation and you’d better watch out – he’s fast and will run you over! Sign language is Noah’s main form of communication although he can hear just fine. It’s challenging being the Mom of a child with special needs but rewarding all at the same time!