Sunday March 1 Taken at about 7PM from my bedroom window. See the snowflakes falling!
Wednesday March 4
One of my favorite stores
Thursday March 5
I love crafting!
Friday March 6
Playing with my camera in the mirror again.
Saturday March 7 I just love these little packages of decorative tissues. They fit great in a purse or pocket. I think this might be my new thing.
Monday, Feb 23 (day 54)
Noah in his favorite hoodie. It has a guitar on it and is very cool.
Tuesday, Feb 24 (day 55)
Noah LOVES to watch Jepoardy.
Wednesday, Feb 25 (day 56)
J and I both sick so our house looks like a pharmacy. This doesn't even include the medicine Noah takes on a daily basis! And yes, those are pretty brown tissues at the bottom. I think it's turned into a new thing - I love pretty tissues now. Silly, I know, but humor me.
Thursday, Feb 26 (day 57)
I watch The Today Show every single morning. Matt Lauer is yummy eye candy (even at his age!) and a great way to start off my day. I usually have coffee and check my email while watching.
Friday, Feb 27 (day 58)
Noah loves the "big boy wheelchair" at stores lately. Yes he has his own wheelchair but it is such a pain to get in and out of the SUV that we only get it out if it's absolutely neccessary. We're going to have to give in and get a van in the future I think because as he gets bigger the wheelchairs are gonna get bigger too.
Saturday, Feb 28 (day 59)
Noah loves to look at pictures. Here he has gotten down my framed photo of me, Aunt LaLa, and baby Nicholas. In this photo, Noah is signing "love" and then he will touch me in the picture, LaLa in the picture, and then he'll sign Baby. He also likes to point to the picture and tell me that Aunt LaLa is wearing glasses and her arm is holding the baby. He's way into details.