Around Coley's Corner

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Carefree and Smiley

It's been a rough couple of weeks for Noah with the flu, a stomach bug, and his little accident with the sidewalk. He's been super moody, but today was a good day!

Each year the middle school classes at Noah's school make and sell doggie treats before Christmas. Then they use their earnings to take their parents out to eat at a local restaurant for a "parent appreciation lunch." That was today and Noah was so excited about it - so excited that he woke up at 5:30 this morning. (I was not excited about that!) Lunch was nice and Noah was beaming with pride when his teacher reminded them that their hard work was the reason we were having a nice lunch. 

He was in a great and giggly mood after he woke up from his nap (when this picture was taken) and all evening. It's nice to see him smiling, happy, carefree, and feeling more like himself again!

1 comment:

  1. I love this picture of him. :-) I'm so glad he's smiling again! <3
