Around Coley's Corner

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Wooden Purses

I've been working on some of these little wooden purses.....

I bought them plain at Michael's and have enjoyed painting and embellishing them. I've used paint, scrapbook paper, ribbon, and vinyl to embellish them and lined the insides with felt. 

I think they would be perfect for carrying jewelry when you travel or to set on a night stand with your jewelry in it while you sleep. They'd even be cute packaging for a gift card. 

I've put a couple of them in my Etsy store.  


  1. Just adorable! I am on my way to check them out on Etsy........

  2. Oh they are lovely!!! I particularly like the first one!!

  3. Could you comment on what kind of paint you used on these? Do you know if Krylon spray paint would work? Thanks!!

    1. I just used acyrlic paint I had on hand but I think spray paint would work as well.
