Around Coley's Corner

Friday, March 11, 2011

Spring Wreath

So, last week I was browsing through some of the blogs I read in Google reader and someone linked to this adorable St. Patty's Day Wreath. I don't decorate for St. Patty's day but I just loved the combo of the lucky bunting along with the rosettes. I hadn't decided on a direction for my Spring wreath at that point and that St. Patty's Day wreath gave me just the inspiration I needed.

That's one thing I LOVE about blog land, you can be inspired by something and then end up with something that's totally different and represents your style. 

So to create my Spring wreath, you're going to need:
A styrofoam wreath form (got mine at the Dollar Tree)
Scrap fabric in assorted spring colors
Ribbon (I used two different kinds - a thick satin ribbon for wrapping the wreath form and then a thin white ribbon for the bunting)
Iron on fabric interfacing (I used heat and bond)
Straight Pins 

1. Cover your wreath form in white (or a color of your choice) ribbon. Put a dab of glue on the back of the wreath when you start and then just keep wrapping and wrapping and wrapping the ribbon all the way around the wreath until it's covered. Set it aside for now.

2. Now, make your rosettes. There's a bunch of rosette tutorials out there but this one is my favorite. (You use pipe cleaners when creating the rosettes and I like the stability the pipe cleaner gives to it.) Glue your rosettes where you'd like them to go on your wreath using hot glue. (If you wanted to make this an interchangeable wreath, which I'm going to do at some point so I don't have 100 different wreaths for every season, you could just use velcro on the back of the rosettes and the wreath like this blogger did.)

3. Now to create the Spring bunting, I used a triangle shape that was in my Silhouette library and cut them all out of white fabric with my Silhouette machine but you could just free hand the triangles if you don't have a Silhouette or similar cutting machine. Iron on the fabric interfacing to the back of your different scrap fabrics that you will use for your letters. Cut the letters out of the fabric. I used my Silhouette for this too. Then just iron your letters on to your triangles and glue the triangles on to a piece of ribbon. To attach it to the wreath, I was initially going to hot glue it but was having trouble trying to get it all lined up so I decided I would pin it with straight pins and then glue it. My pins have little yellow ends and once I put them in the wreath to hold the bunting, I decided it looked cute just like that so I left the pins in. 

4. Tie on some ribbon (I actually used a long strip of fabric from one of the fabrics used to create the wreath), hang your wreath, and admire it's cuteness! 

I love it. That little spring bunting makes me smile every time I see it. 

I went ahead and hung it in hopes that hanging my spring wreath will make the spring weather come. I'm tired of the wind and rain we've had all week! 

Linking up to the link parties listed in my side bar



  1. That is so adorable. Maybe you're right. Maybe spring will come now that your wreath is up! :-)

  2. I love it and it looks so great and springy! I love making rolled flowers they just give a project some pop!

  3. This is gorgeous!

    Came over from TT&J! Just wanted to let you know that your link had an extra letter on the end so I didn't come directly here! You may have fixed it already, but wanted to make sure because this is really great and should be seen! It's so pretty!

    I've yet to start on my spring wreath so I'm still looking for inspiration!

  4. I love the colors and flowers. I just made a spring wreath too but I am loving yours. I am a wreath fanatic.
    here is mine. Love yours!!!!

  5. I love your wreath! The spring colors are gorgeous. I love that the wreath is white!! So lovely:)

  6. This is beautiful! So soft & springy looking! Love it!

  7. I LOVE this wreath! I featured it on my blog today! Come on over and check it out!!


  8. Congratulations on being featured on the CSI contest. Your wreath is perfect for spring. I hope that warm weather will be in your area very soon.

  9. Love this wreath! It is SO perfect for spring! Love everything about it :)

  10. Very Very Cute!! Love the colors!

  11. I love the pretty Spring colors you chose! The wreath turned out so nicely. :)

    Thanks for joining my Weekend Bloggy Reading party. :) Hope you'll stop by Serenity Now again soon!

  12. i saw your site popping up on my visitor list, so i thought i'd stop over.....thanks for linking to my changeable wreath! love your cute spring wreath!

  13. Just found this What wonderful blog & most family..
