Around Coley's Corner

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Halloween Candle Holder Ensemble

I've finished my Halloween Candleholder Ensemble!

Check them out all together - sharp looking crew, eh? All made with just paint, cardstock, and glass candle holders from the Dollar Store.

The last one in this series is Jack.

To make Jack, you are going to need:
Items Needed:
Glass candle holder (This actually an ivy bowl from the Dollar Store.)
Clear Matte Spray
Orange paint
Black card stock
Mod Podge

How to Make Jack:
1. Spray your candle holder with the clear matte spray. This will help the paint go on easier. Be sure and spray it in a well ventilated area (like outside) and let it dry overnight.
2. Paint the candle holder orange. Let it dry completely (I let it dry overnight) before moving on to the next step.
3. Cut triangles for the eyes and nose and free hand a shape for the mouth. Apply them with the Mod Podge.
4. Apply a coat or two of Mod Podge to the entire candle holder. Be sure and let it dry in between the layers.

And now you've got Jack to complete the ensemble!

Instructions for Frankie
Instructions for the Ghostie
Instructions for Mr. Mummy

Linking up to the parties listed in my sidebar 


  1. too cute! and very festive! I see myself making these in the future! Going into my inspiration folder!


  2. Those are really cute, I especially like the mummy one. Found you on a link party.
