Around Coley's Corner

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Weekly Menu Printable

One of my goals for 2011 is to become more organized. Honestly, I'm a pretty organized person in general, or at least I think I am, but there are a couple of areas of my house/life that could use a little extra attention. My recipes are meal planning stuff is a mess. My recipes definitely need to be organized and I'm working on that. (More about it in an upcoming post.) 

So, I decided to make a weekly menu printable to help me be even more organized. I even made it to match my kitchen. This week, I just actually wrote the meals on the page I printed out but in the future I may frame it and then use a dry erase marker to write the menu on there and sit it on the counter so that's why it was important to me that it match the kitchen. (Well, that and I just really like for things to coordinate!) 

So, I thought I'd share the menu printable with my readers. 
You can download it here


Linking up to the Linky Parties lifted in my sidebar!


  1. That is SO cute! And I love the idea of framing it and using a dry erase marker to write. That way you don't have to use up all those cute pages. You could even put magnets on the back of the frame and hang it on your fridge.

  2. Oh love the magnet idea! Why I didn't I think of that? LOL

  3. Thanks for sharing your great idea. And I love that it matches your kitchen!
    Dannyelle from

  4. I've been trying to organize myself better this year too :)

    So I am stealing this ADORABLE menu planner, and joining the organizational revolution ;)

  5. This is so cute, great idea framing it!
