Around Coley's Corner

Sunday, April 1, 2012

March OLW Layouts and Blog Hop

The March assignment in the One Little Word class I am taking at Big Picture Classes was to come up with and execute "one little action" in relation to our word and then document it.

My word for 2012 is breathe and just as with February's assignment, initially I had trouble coming up with an action but then I stopped thinking so much of the word itself and began to think about the things I'd listed in January that I hoped to bring into my life as a result of this word like peace, reflection, calmness, and the ability to enjoy the small moments in life.

Suddenly it dawned on me - what better way to reflect on the small moments that by preserving them through (digital) scrapbooking which is also an activity that makes me feel peaceful and calm. So, it was a winning solution for many reasons.

We were provided with a template to document our thoughts and progress through the month which you will see in the first layout below and then I made a second layout to show the pages I'd made as per my action.

I'm also participating in the OLW Blog Hop this month so if you popped over because of that, your next stop will be Naomi's blog, Poetic Aperture


  1. Great interpretation of the prompt and fun to see the pages too. TFS :^)

  2. i agree that scrapbooking is a wonderful way to reflect and appreciate those wonderful moments in life. what a great job you did on your very first digital page! love, kelly

  3. Thank you for sharing Coley! I love your creative action for breathe. Scrapbooking is a great way to enact the word. Thank you for sharing! I have yet to create a totally digital page - you did a wonderful job!

  4. I love how you incorporated the layouts that you did this month into the homework prompt. How ingenious! Thanks for sharing and hope to see you next month as well! -Amanda (Scrappnbee)

  5. I love that you are a digiscrapper too :)

    I hope you make the time to breathe in April too! :)

  6. So glad you're on the hop and sharing your work!
