Around Coley's Corner

Friday, April 1, 2011

Friday Favorites # 2: The One with the Fuzzy Lamp

I saw so many fun craft posts in the past 2 weeks!  There were lots of Easter projects which I'll be sharing some of my favorites with you in the near future so stay tuned for those. 


Look closely - the paint is fuzzy. Well, velveteen technically. This would look awesome in my bedroom in a lighter shade of teal. In fact, my lamp in there is rather blah and I had been brainstorming ways to jazz it up. This just might be the answer. 
I really think that paint is neat too - might be cool sometimes when freezer paper stenciling. 
(ETA: I scored some of this paint with my 40 % off coupon at Hobby Lobby! I think it would be cool to use in freezer paper stenciling on shirts and stuff occasionally too.)

If you know me well, then you know I have a slight addiction to spray painting things. I say if it sits still I'll spray paint it. (I even spray painted my refrigerator!)But I never thought of spray painting SHOES! What a great way to give an old pair of shoes new life! (And that color of spray paint on those shoes just so happens to be my fave color of spray paint!) 

Chevron stripes are one of the hot decorating trends right now. I have not bitten into this particular trend.... yet. I really love the way this board looks on their mantle. Yellow isn't really my color but imagine the possibilities. 


This is from a newly found blog called Cooking Lean Like Paula Deen (except Paula Deen doesn't really cook very lean!) but this blogger takes recipes from popular cooks like Miss Paula and Rachel Ray and makes them over into lighter versions. I've got this recipe on my list to give it a try but with chicken instead of fish since I'm not a big fish person. 

I’m loving this post written by my weight loss accountability partner, Monika. It’s been a really hard week for me weight loss wise with Noah being on spring break and the rainy, cold, yucky weather we haven’t been able to walk at all and I can’t make it through an entire workout dvd without a zillion interruptions. In this post, Monika talks about how she is trying to become the best her for everyone in her life and that’s just the motivation I needed. My family and friends do deserve the best me and even if I have days where I’m not able to do all I intended to do, I’m still on a good path and I’m becoming a better me and that's all I can strive for is to be a better me. 

Personal Faves
Fave Memory: 
Noah's big smile while playing his first baseball game of the spring season

Fave Photo:
This one of my Dad and Noah running to first base

Most Read Post:
Drink Mix Packet Holder Thingie-ma-Jig

And if you need just a little smile, go check out this street art at Color Me Katie. Makes me grin every time. 


  1. Great post, Coco! :-) Cute craft ideas....I think that lampshade would look fabulous in your bedroom. I absolutely love that picture of Nono and his grandpa too. Not quite as good as the one where they're shooting daggers at you, but it's close. The smile on his face is just so precious. And I'm so glad that my post was inspirational to you. Just makes me smile all over. :-) <3

  2. What awesome ideas! With spring coming on these are some perfect projects.
