Around Coley's Corner

Monday, February 21, 2011

Dollar Store Bulletin Board Makeover

I'm working on getting my studio/office more organized and pleasing to the eye and every office space needs a bulletin board. 

I picked up this plain and drab bulletin board at The Dollar Store. 

Boring and drab, right? 

I toyed with the idea of covering the cork board with fabric or painting it too but ultimately decided that since it was going in the office area of my studio it wouldn't bother me if it looked like it belonged in an office as long as it was dressed up and cuter than it is now. So, I covered the cork board with scrap paper and painter's tape and painted the frame of the bulletin board a pretty pink. 

While it was drying, I made a rosette out of a bit of pink and white printed fabric. There are a bazillion different tutorials out there for rolled rosettes, but my favorite one is here.

I couldn't just use boring old thumbtacks so I grabbed some assorted buttons and jewels from my stash and glued boring thumbtacks to the backs of my buttons and jewels. 

Here's my finished bulletin board. Much better than before! 

I love the buttons and jewels as thumbtacks! So much better than a plain and drab thumbtack and when they are not in use, they add additional decoration. 

Now, I just need to add hanging it to J's "honey-do list." 

Total cost for this project = $1.00!
The only thing I bought was the bulletin board - everything else I already had in my supplies. 

(Linking up to the craft parties listed in my sidebar.)


  1. I love this. Thank you so much for sharing! I would be honored if you would link up your super cute blog over on my blog stalkin' page.

  2. It turned out awesome. So much more cheery!

  3. LOVE IT! You are so creative. :) I saw your email in my inbox yesterday and realized I never emailed you back. It's been crazy here. I promise I shoot you a note soon. Have a great week!

    P.S. I am definitely going to try this! So easy and looks fabulous!

  4. Cute cute .. thanks for the lead on the flower tut. The flowers are neat .. and doable. TFS

  5. Love the buttons you added.

    check out the giveaways I am having on my site.
    A chance to win a fairy silhoutte tee from Elizabeth Horton.sizes(18M-8y)

    $15 store credit to select any hairband and clips from LiaGeneFab11
