Around Coley's Corner

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

CREATE Letters

As I mentioned yesterday, I've been working on making my office/studio more pleasing to the eye. I knew that I wanted to spell out a word with chipboard letters and place it above the doorway but the question was: what word? I wanted a word that worked for the multiple uses of this room. While brainstorming, I kept coming back to the word "create" and ultimately decided that would be the perfect word. When I'm on the computer, I'm often being creative by writing, when I'm crafting I am creating, and when I'm taking pictures, I'm creating. It works. 

I base coated the letters pink and then used Mod Podge and scrapbook paper to dress up   the chipboard letters. Since these are hanging above the door and will be up high, I didn't add ribbon or other embellishments. 


(Linking up to the parties listed in my sidebar)


  1. I sense a pink theme??? ;o) Looks awesome!

  2. I want the T. Just the T. It rocks.

  3. LOL Marilee! Jacque, I figure this is my one spot to be super girly so I'm going with the pink. I'm actually using a lot of pink and green. You'll see the green more when I reveal my dresser. ;)
