Around Coley's Corner

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: No No and Aunt LaLa

My BFF adores Noah and he adores her right back. Because we live in different states we don't get to see each other a whole lot but she was able to spend a few minutes with Noah on Sunday before we took her to the airport. Noah barely wanted anything to do with me and only wanted "Aunt LaLa." So sweet. 


  1. This post makes me want to cry!!! I love it!!

  2. I love it when kids form such special attachments! Our son is finally starting to remember people by name and seem to form attachments, and I LOVE it!
    Thanks for sharing your pictures!

  3. Oh how I love nono, oh how I love thee. Oh wha what a blessing his life is to me ( Me singing my little diddy ) I Charish Every Second of every minute oh very hour I see OUR Noah has my family puts it. God only knew then what I know now. Many years ago in the middle of the night sitting at a waffle house that a little boy in footed PJ's would capture my heart in such an amazing way. I wounder why I find myself in tears so oftin When thoughts come to my mind and I'm missing him . then it hits me when it hurts like that you know you love someoneand ther eis abouslutly nothing you can do about it .
