Around Coley's Corner

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Snowman Gift Box

Need a cute little gift box to hold a small gift or a gift card? This little snowman gift box is perfect, in fact, he's a gift himself! 

To make this cute snowman, I started off with a plain wooden gift box from Michael's. It was only a dollar. 

I painted the box white using spray paint. Then I made him a little black hat out of black cardstock, adding some red and white polka dot ribbon to the brim of his hat. Then I added button eyes and drew on an orange "carrot" nose with an orange sharpie. I punched out some black cardstock circles using a hole punched and mod podged those on with sparkle Mod Podge then I gave the whole box a coat of sparkle Mod Podge. 

Isn't he cute? He's the perfect size to hold a small gift, a gift card, or even a bunch of candy canes! 

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