Around Coley's Corner

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Football Team Pride Wreath

Are you ready for some football? 
J and Noah are! And my front door is! 
I guess I am. I wrote last year about how I've come to enjoy football as an adult but mainly because of the social activities that football season brings. Well, let's add crafting to another reason of why I like football, hehe.

So, what better way to show guests exactly which team you root for than to greet them with a team pride wreath as they enter the front door?

It's easy peasy. Let's get started!

You will need:
wreath form
purple and orange yarn (or in your team colors)
wooden letters
football embellishment
glue (I used E-6000 but hot glue would work too.)
straight pins

1. Begin by pinning one color of your yarn in a starting point on your wreath form and then wrap. I wrapped mine around 25 times then I cut the yarn, pinned it and switched colors, wrapped that 25 times and kept going that way until my wreath was completely wrapped.

2. Lay out your letters and figure out exactly where you want them to go and then glue them down.

3. Add your football embellishment with glue. Originally, I had planned to use one of the wooden footballs from Michael's but after two trips where they were out of them both times, I brainstormed for an alternative. I thought of just using a clip art football that I printed out but I wasn't sure how to make it weather proof until I stumbled upon this post at The Crafty Scientist where Mel used some Modge Podge Dimensional Magic on a printed image to help it withstand weather so that's what I did.

4. Cut some additional yarn to hang your wreath with. I just did about three loops of each color of yarn and then I double pinned them in the back to insure it holds up.

5. Hang on your front door and cheer your team on! 

(Linking to the parties listed in my sidebar)

1 comment:

  1. That's adorable! I might have to do that now. In Bears colors, of course! :)
