Around Coley's Corner

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Chevron Flag

When I was thinking about my Patriotic Mantel I knew that I wanted a flag in some form. I decided I wanted to put a modern spin on the flag so I decided to make a Chevron striped flag. 

This was easy and inexpensive to make! In order to make your own, you will need:
Canvas, Plaque, or Board of some kind (I used an 8x10 tacky plaque from the Dollar Tree.)
White paint
Red, Blue, and White Cardstock
Star shaped punch
Mod Podge
Foam Brush

What You'll Do: 
1. If you are using a plaque that already has a picture or something on it, like I did, you'll need to sand it before painting it. This will help the paint adhere better. After sanding it, be sure and take a rag and wipe it down to get rid of any debris. 
2. Paint your plaque white. I used 3 coats. 
3. Cut your red chevron stripes out of red cardstock. I used my Silhouette machine to do this but if you don't have one, you could find a chevron pattern online and use that instead. 
4. Brush some Mod Podge onto your painted plaque and glue down your red chevron stripes leaving an equal amount of space in between each stripe. Brush a layer of Mod Podge over all the stripes once you have them all down.
5. Cut a blue square out of the blue cardstock and use Mod Podge to adhere it to your board over the stripes.  
6. Cut out some stars with your star punch and adhere those to the blue square with Mod Podge.
7. Lastly, brush a layer of Mod Podge over the entire thing. And you are finished!

Proudly display your modern twist on the grand old flag!

(Linking up to the parties listed on my sidebar)


  1. Yet another cute idea from the mind of Coley! :)

  2. What a great idea to make the stripes chevron-style....!
    You are awesome!

  3. I love the chevrons. What a cute idea. I am not big into holiday decorating, but I really like this. I would love it if you would link up to my link party.

  4. I am featuring your chevron flag on my blog today. I can never get enough chevrons. Thanks for linking it up. I hope to see you tomorrow for another link party.
