Around Coley's Corner

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Setting the Table becomes a Moment to Remember

As a society we often get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life that we forget to take time to stop and notice the little things in life. Since January, I’ve been making an effort to notice the small moments, enjoy them, and live in the moment. 

Sunday night, as we were getting ready to sit down for dinner, I got out plates and silverware and set them on the table. I walked back to the counter for something else and when I turned around I noticed Noah at the table. He was setting the table! 

I was so proud to see him doing that on his own for the very first time. It was a moment. My heart smiled as I watched my little boy in his wheelchair, setting the table. I breathed in the moment and etched it into my memory. I never want to take these moments for granted. Because of  his special needs, because of cerebral palsy and autism, I’m aware – so very aware – of these little moments and for my boy they are actually big moments. 

(This post is a part of the CP Connection. Click links below for more info.) 

Stumbo Family Story


  1. Made me all teary-eyed. Love. <3

  2. I love it -he is a good hearted, connected soul.

  3. Hi from the CP connection! You craft ideas are ADORABLE. I'll be back for sure!
