Around Coley's Corner

Monday, May 28, 2012

2 Year Surgery Anniversary

Two years ago today Noah had his Scoliosis Surgery. Before surgery Noah's curve was 96.3 degrees and post surgery it is only 11.9 degrees! Definitely a success! It was a rocky road, stressful and very scary at times and recovery for Noah was long and hard but it absolutely the right decision. We've seen many positive changes in Noah since the surgery and I like to think some of those are a direct result of the surgery.

The only real negative is that he lost the ability to crawl, which was how he'd get around the house when he didn't feel like using his wheelchair. But he has made up for that by learning to do this adorable little hop/scoot around the house. 

I leave you with a look back prior to the surgery, one year post, and nearly two years post.......

1 comment:

  1. Yeppers Scary God showed up and showed out He is so good to Him be all the glory. We all learned alot inthis journey.
