Around Coley's Corner

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My Special Olympian

Last week Noah participated in the local Special Olympics. He competed in two wheelchair races. This year, he had moved up an age group and was racing with older kids. He was the slowest one in both of his heats - but he didn't care. I don't think he even noticed! He really is an example to us all - he was just happy and determined. Happy to just be there and determined to just finish! He makes us so proud! 

And now what you probably really want to see - pictures!
Warning: I got picture happy so there are a lot of pictures in this post! 

Is he not adorable in that hat?
I forgot and left it on his wheelchair that morning when he left for school and I guess his teachers thought I sent it for him to wear outside so they put it on him and he kept it on the entire time!

At the starting line
Do you spot Noah? He's the third one. 

And they're off!

Slowly but surely he's making his way towards the finish line. 

Those little hands are working hard. 

So determined!

Look at that smile! He is just happy to be there. 

He just spotted Granddaddy at the finish line!

Almost there buddy!

Getting his ribbon


  1. Love the pictures, as always...but I wanna see video!!! :P:

  2. I love how he spotted his Grandaddy at the finish line!! Great pictures!

  3. Noah is awesome! He makes me smile!
