Around Coley's Corner

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

One Little Word 2012

Last year around this time of the year I saw many bloggers posting about choosing one little word to focus on for the year. This year, as 2011 rolled around to a close, I began to think of a word that would be a good focus word for me for 2012.

Ultimately, I have decided upon on breathe.

I decided on this word for many different reasons. Let me give you some scenarios of instances in which I want to remember this word……

When spring baseball starts and I’m watching Noah and my Dad round the bases through the lens of my camera and I have a huge smile on my face, beaming at my boy, I want to think to myself “breathe” and breathe in the moment. I want to breathe in that moment and store it in my heart for safe keeping.

When Paisley is barking, dinner is burning, the microwave is beeping, Noah is fussing, it’s raining, and J is running late, I want to think to myself “breathe” and get through the moment.

At the end of a busy day after a long day of multi-tasking, I want to soak in a hot bubbly bath and breathe in the solitude.

In May, after a hectic and slightly stressful time of planning the annual BirthMom Buds retreat, I want to remind myself to deeply breathe and let myself enjoy what has been planned.

I’m naturally a sort of high strung person. This year, I want to slow down, breathe, enjoy and soak in tender moments with family and friends. I want to slow down and breathe through the stressful moments.

I've signed up to take Ali Edwards year long One Little Word class at Big Picture Scrapbooks and am excited about it. I'll be periodically sharing the journey with all of you.

Have you chosen a word for 2012?

Edited to add: I completed my first layout for the One Little Word class. Check it out here!


  1. I love the direction you are taking with your word. Looking forward to watching your 2012 journey with your word.

  2. What a fabulous word choice for your journey this year. Enjoy!

  3. Oh I can so relate to your word. Breathing is so hard and your intention is excellent. Love it so much!

  4. Breathe is such a great word. It is hard when so many things are happening at once to remember to stop to breathe.

  5. Your Breathe sounds very similar to my Focus. Glad you are slowing down to enjoy the smaller precious moments of life.

  6. Love your word and the reasons for choosing it. I can relate.

  7. Great word choice and lovely reflection. Welcome to the blog hop!

  8. Welcome to OLW and to the hop! I think you'll find participating both inspiring and motivating! I LOVED reading your scenarios and reasons for chosing your word. I'm sure this word will be a great help. Blessings...

  9. Thanks for sharing your journey. May you find time to breathe and enjoy life!
