Around Coley's Corner

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Activities

Last weekend we were preparing to go out and do a few Christmas-y things like attending a "Kidmas" event at the library and going to a nearby animal park to see Christmas lights and animals. It was chilly so I was putting Noah's coat on him and he decided he wanted to wear a new winter hat he bought at the school store last week. And then he proceeded to steal by new red plaid scarf. He looked so adorable in his hat and the scarf that I let my little scarf thief wear it. 

Noah's favorite part of the event at the library was the "piano lady" who was playing Christmas carols. He loves to watch people play the piano and could have sat there all night if we'd let him! 

The animal park is a BIG attraction around here and we ended up having to wait in line (in our car as you drive through parts of it) for nearly two hours. I figured Noah would get impatient and we'd leave before we got through the line but I was wrong! He was patient! J found some Christmas tunes on Pandora and he was happy.  

While there Noah got to see Santa. I was really disappointed with this Santa. He didn't seem to know what to do or how to deal with a special needs child in a wheelchair. He didn't even ask Noah his name or what he wanted for Christmas or anything! 

Have you done anything Christmasy lately?


  1. Too bad about Santa! Our Santa asked both the little ones, who had no idea what they were supposed to do with that question. LOL

    (He *does* look adorable w/the scarf.)

  2. Merry Christmas to you and yours :-) I saw your link on 5 minutes for special needs.

  3. I think I would have let him keep the scarf too. How could you resist that adorable smile?

  4. that santa looks like the real guy. smiles. great photos. dropping by from 5mins4mom.

  5. I have to tell you, he lights up that scarf ;-)
    Thanks for sharing. Sorry that Santa was off his game. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!
