Around Coley's Corner

Friday, August 12, 2011

Five Minute Friday: Beauty Surrounds Me

It’s Friday – the day where I join other bloggers and take five short minutes to just write from the heart. Five Minute Friday is hosted by Gypsy Mama and this week’s prompt is beauty. 

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 

To me, beauty is.....
His big smile, especially when it's something I say or do to make him smile.
Holding his hand on date night.
Texts from friends checking on me when I'm sick or feeling blue.
Staying with my parents when I'm sick even though I'm clearly old enough to take care of myself.
Creating something with my hands.
Looking at photos with bittersweet memories of precious moments.
Phone calls with friends.  
The butterfly fluttering around on my front porch. 
Home cooked meals made with love.
A puppy in a dress that makes me giggle.
A hot bath after a long day.
Being a Mom and wife. 

Beauty surrounds me but sometimes I think I'm too caught up in the living of day to day life to see it so I am grateful for these five minutes to write about what beauty means to me.

1 comment:

  1. <3 this, Coco. Just love it. I love the way you made it into a sort of poem. It has a lovely lilt to it that evokes "beauty" all by itself! <3 you, my friend!
