Around Coley's Corner

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Summer Definition Tile

I needed to create a few summery decor pieces in order to summerize (love making up new words) my mantle and decided to create a summer version of my spring definition tile.

I love using tiles for projects like these. You can find them at your local home improvement store and they are inexpensive and come in multiple sizes. I bought some for my stash awhile back but I think the size I bought (6 x 6) was under 50 cents each. 

What you'll need.....
A Tile
Summer Definition Printable (You can download mine here.)
Scrapbooking Paper
Mod Podge
Foam brush
Ric rac or ribbon
Embellishment (My embellishment is a pre-painted wooden piece from Michael's.)
Glue gun
Sanding block
Plate stand

What you'll do.....
1. Print the definition on your scrapbook paper. 
2. Place your paper on the tile and center the definition and mark where to cut. Then cut your scrapbook paper slightly larger than your tile. 
3. Using a foam brush, brush on a thin layer of Mod Podge on the tile and glue on your paper. Then brush a think layer of Mod Podge on top of the paper.
4. Run something over the covered tile (I use a popsicle stick turned on its side) to press out any air bubbles. 
5. Let it dry then, sand off any excess edges using the sanding block. (You could cut your paper exactly to fit your tile and skip this step but I think sanding gives it a more finished look.) Be sure to sand down away from your project or you will rip the paper. (Trust me on this one.)
6. Using your hot glue gun, glue on your ribbon and embellishment.
7. Display on a plate stand. (You could also attach ribbon to the back and hang it if you'd rather.)

Cute, quick, and easy!

Linking up to the parties listed in my sidebar


  1. I love playing with tiles! I recently picked up some small ones at ReStore to make into coasters, but now I want some bigger ones to do this with!

  2. I love this. What a fun idea. It is amazing what we can do with times. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I would love for you to link it up to my party that is running now. Any linky goes.

    Come strut your stuff.

  4. Sooo cute!!!! I love it!
