Around Coley's Corner

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Noah and the Glittery Elephant

Noah made this elephant at camp and came home yesterday proudly showing him off. I think he has half a bottle of glitter on him! He definitely ran into a glitter tree. My boy loves to use glitter in his projects and I love how proud he looks in these pictures!

Linking to Special Exposure Wednesday at 5 Minutes for Special Needs and 
Wordless Wednesday at 5 Minutes for Moms


  1. That's a great looking elephant - I love how proud he is of his creation. My kids love glitter too - it ends up everywhere!

  2. Great pictures!! I love the last one, how he is looking down on his master piece!

  3. yup... i defintiely have to get back to blogging more! All of these kids are getting so big! He is so handsome! I really dig that elephant pic!

  4. Awesome! What a great smile, and a great opportunity for him.

  5. He sure is proud ... and what a pretty elephant too! Definitely worth framing!
