Around Coley's Corner

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

My Patriotic Wreath

About two weeks ago, I decided that it was time to take down my Spring wreath. When I made my Spring wreath, I just used a wreath form from the dollar tree and wrapped it in white ribbon. The other embellishments were either pinned on or velcroed on so I could re-use it for summer so I was starting with the white ribbon wrapped wreath form again. 

I raided my ribbon stash and pulled out some blue and white polka dot ribbon and some red and white striped ribbon. I just wrapped those around the wreath and pinned it down on the back side with a straight pin. 

I cut some stars out of red and blue cardstock. I wish I'd had wooden stars but was trying to use things I had on hand. I did run the stars through my laminating machine just to give them some added strength this will be hanging on my front door and we have had some storms with wind lately. The letters are just some white foam stickers I also already had. It's pretty simple but I like it. 

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  1. LOVE! I am doing an America the Beautiful series right now on my blog. I hope you will hop over and check it out!
    Jenni (your newest follower)

  2. OOOOH I LOVE this! I wanted to do SOMETHING patriotic for the door and this looks PERFECT! SUPER cute!
