Around Coley's Corner

Monday, June 13, 2011

Best Granddad in the World T-Shirt

My parents will be out of town on Father's Day so we celebrated Father's Day with my Dad today so I'm able to share part of his gift since he has already received it. 

I made my Mom a t-shirt for Mother's Day using one of my favorite crafting techniques, freezer paper stenciling, so it seemed only fitting to make my Dad a shirt as well. I freezer paper stenciled "Best Granddad in the World" on a plain white t-shirt. I cut the words out of freezer paper with my Silhouette machine. I substituted a globe for the "O" in world. I actually used an Earth Day globe from the Silhouette store because I wanted something a smidge abstract and not so technical as the other globes they had. (For a freezer paper stenciling tutorial, check out this post.)

It turned out pretty cute, don't ya think? My Dad doesn't really wear t-shirts a whole lot but he does wear them when he goes for morning/evening walks so I think this will be nice for him to wear then! 

 Linking up to the parties listed in my sidebar


  1. That is awesome. The sentiments totally fit him too! :-) <3

  2. What a great gift :) I LOVE FPS! I have made some of the cutest stuff with it and it's even easier now that I found out I could cut the paper on the Cricut ;)

  3. Love your blog!! Its so cute!!! I am your newest follower!!! i would love to feature you on my blog. so let me know!! :) So if you would like to go and check out my blog and follow me too! That would make my day!!! :) I am so excited to start blogging and share my ideas on food, crafts, and mineral make-up. I will also be doing giveaways on stuff, like mineral make-up. So look out for it!
