Around Coley's Corner

Friday, May 6, 2011

Friday Favorites # 4: The One with a Balloon Message

This week's Friday Favorites is going to be short as I am still trying to catch up on things that got put off while I was prepping and attending the retreat. There are still 400 posts to read in my Google Reader. Eeks! I'm so tempted to just hit "mark all as read" but fear I could miss something really good that way so I'll just take my time slowly reading through till I'm all caught up. 

Here are a few of my favorite posts that I have read over the past few days....

This card over at Free Pretty Things for You is abso-freaking-lutely adorable! You write a message on the balloon, deflate it, and then the person has to blow it up to read it. There's cute free tags that say "Excuse me I need some air" to help the recipient "get" that they have to blow up the balloon. I'm not really digging it for Mother's Day but SO cute for a kid's birthday!

It was love at first sight when I saw these owls from Card a la Carte. Underneath all the feathers is a pillow box. It could hold a gift card, jewlry, small gift, candy, etc. 

I love flip flops in the summer time and I love the idea of using velcro and being able to change the ribbon color/style or an element such as a flower or bow like you can with these flip flops as seen at Therapy 4 Roses. We actually saw some interchangeable flip flips (the flower was interchangeable) in a boutique in Charlotte but they were pricey. I could make my own version for a fraction of the cost and they'd probably end up cuter than the boutique version too.  

I love this "green" idea from That's My Story and I'm Sticking to It.

I love this gallery wall from Homemakin and Decoratin. I like that she included things besides just photos. Creating a gallery wall similar to this is on my summer project list. 

That's it for this week! 

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