Around Coley's Corner

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Busy Bee

Over the next month my posts will probably get less frequent. This is my busy time of the year. Every year, the weekend before Mother's Day in BirthMom Buds hosts a retreat for birthmothers in Charlotte, North Carolina. It is such an awesome and healing time for all of the birthmothers who are able to attend.

For the main event of the retreat, the Birthmother's Day Celebration, we decorate the room according to the retreat theme for the year, which means I get busy at this time of the year working on centerpieces and decor as well as adminstrative type stuff like creating the program and a slideshow. While I try to do as much as I can ahead of time, there are somethings that can't be done too far in advance making this crunch time. 

The theme for this year's retreat is Breakfast at Tiffany's. I have some neat ideas planned but can't share them just yet. But I promise to share lots of pics of the centerpieces and what not when it's over!

So, if you notice my posts are less frequent, don't worry, we are fine; I'm just busy preparing for our retreat!


  1. Your "assistant" is ready and waiting...and I can't wait for the retreat! :-) <3
