Around Coley's Corner

Monday, October 4, 2010

Mummy Candle Holder

In the past I haven't decorated for holidays other than Christmas very much but now in our new house I feel the urge to decorate for every holiday. So this weekend, I was able to spend some time working on some of the Halloween projects I had started so that I can get my Halloween decorations up this week. I'll be sharing (and providing some tutorials) on those items this week.

Today, I'll be sharing this cute little mummy candle holder. He was super easy to make!

Items Needed:
Candle Holder
White paint
White Fabric (I actually used an old t-shirt that we were getting rid of.)
Google Eyes
Mod Podge
Glue gun

1. Paint your candle holder white. (Tip: Spray your candle holder with a clear matte spray before painting it. I did not do this with the first candle holder I painted and the paint didn't go on too well. Then a friend shared this tip with me and I painted another after spraying it with the matte spray and the paint went on much easier, covered better, and looked much better!)
2. Rip up your white material. You could cut it but I cut slits every inch or so and then just ripped it so it didn't look too finished.
3. Brush the candle holder with a light layer of mod podge then start layering your fabric on working it all around the candle holder in strips. When I was ending or starting a new strip I'd just dab on a bit more Mod Podge on that area and it stayed on fine.
4. Decide where you want your google eyes and glue them on. I suppose you could try glueing them on with Mod Podge but I wasn't sure if it would hold the eyes so I used a dab of hot glue from my glue gun. Tuck the google eyes under or beneath one of the layers of fabric a bit so it looks like the eyes are peeking out.

And you now have an adorable little mummy candle holder!

Linking up to the following link parties:


  1. This is such a cute idea! I am finding lots of uses for old t shirts. Thanks for sharing. New follower from the Monday link up


  2. Sooo cute!!

    - Michelle @ Bunch of craft
