Around Coley's Corner

Monday, June 14, 2010

Post Op Follow Up

Noah's Post Op Follow up was this morning and the Doctor said that he looked good and he was pleased with Noah's progress so far. He said that Noah would probably have a lot of pain for 6-8 weeks following the surgery and then it would get better. He said that the incision looked great and for us to slowly start letting Noah sit up for a minute or so a day and build up from there. He also said Noah would need to build his balance back up. I specifically asked about that because when we have Noah in the shower chair I've noticed his balance is very off. He advised us to continue taking things  slowly as sitting up will tire him out quickly at first. All in all, Noah's very slowly moving forward and we'll take very slowly moving forward versus moving backwards any day!


  1. I'm sorry about the pain. I'll be praying for Noah and you.

  2. Slowly, but surely... best way to go, just not the easiest. I'm glad to hear that the doctor is pleased with Noah's progress. You are one of the most patient, loving, amazing mommy's I know! Love you Coley Socks!

  3. I know it must be so hard. Poor kiddo! But good news from the doctor is a blessing! Was in Gville on Thurs. again! LOL! I think I need to move there!

  4. glad all the dr said, all is good. praying things are good for Noah.
