Around Coley's Corner

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Noah's Recovery - Update # 9 on day 9

Noah was less fussy today. His temperature is still up and down, up and down but not quite as high as yesterday. The highest it reached thus far today was 101.5. They repeated the chest x-rays and they show that the pneumonia is getting better.

Noah's hemoglobin was low and his white blood count is elevated so the doctors have decided to give him two units of blood. It's taking awhile for them to find blood that matches Noah's so now they are having to send outside the hospital for it so it may be sometime tonight before he gets the transfusions.

He took another shower today - it exhausts him to do that though but I know things like that and moving will get easier as time goes on and he moves around more, gets less sore, and feels better. It's just hard for him to feel better with this fever and pneumonia. He also ate about 7 bites of a cheeseburger.

And my funny thought for the day: (I'm trying to keep my humor and still find the blessings on this rollercoaster ride.) I got emotional seeing Noah in the shower and his back straighter for the first time. J got emotional seeing Noah's personalized autographed CJ Spiller poster for the first time. (J says he is the greatest Clemson football player ever and he's in the NFL now for those of you who don't know who CJ Spiller is.) That's the difference between men and women folks! ha!


  1. LOL! My poor husband is rolling into his grave, right now, with that CJ Spiller comment!

  2. OMG you are so funny. Keeping Noah in my prayers.

  3. Hope he is feeling better and better! keeping him and you in our prayers!

  4. So glad to hear he is doing a little bit better. Will continue to lift Noah and you up before the Lord. May God give you strength for another day.
