Around Coley's Corner

Friday, June 18, 2010

Creativity Boot Camp Day 13: Smile

Sadly, today is the last day of Creativity Boot Camp. I have really enjoyed the random word prompts, the challenges in getting creative, the journaling assignments, and reading Meagan's daily thoughts has been inspiring. The journaling prompts have gotten me writing more again and reminded me that I'm a pretty darn good writer when I sit down and do it. I've also realized that while I may not always feel like an "artist" my photographs are a form of art and self expression. I'm hoping that the feelings of confidence I've obtained from CBC regarding my writing and my photography will spill over into the weeks and months that lie ahead.  

And while at first accomplishing the assignments felt a bit crazy because Noah was still in the hospital, it actually couldn't have come at a better time. Noah's recovery is tiring and hard on all of us and taking the photos and editing them each day allowed me to use my brain for something other than caring for Noah, gave me a small amount of "me" time, and something to look forward to each day.

I've also really enjoyed getting to know a few of the other participants via their blogs and photos. Seeing everyone's different takes on the random word prompts has been fun. 

Anyways, enough rambling. Onto today's random word prompt which was SMILE.....

Noah woke up in a rare (since the surgery) good mood and was full of smiles while his Nana was singing rapping the Itsy Bitsy Spider so I was able to capture one of his gorgeous smiles.

His smiles make my heart soar! And HE is the reason I developed an interest in photography. 

And I put together a little collage of some of the photos I took during the 13 days of Creativity Boot Camp.

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