Around Coley's Corner

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Busy as a Busy Bee

This is one of those posts to say I'm super busy right now and don't have the time to post too much! We are all alive and well, (although Noah caught some type of 24 hour bug and then shared it with J) I'm just super busy.

For those who don't know, every year BirthMom Buds has a big event/retreat for Birthmother's Day. (Yes, I know it's actually held the weekend before Birthmother's Day but it's still in honor or Birthmother's Day.) This is our 6th event and although it's a lot of work I really love doing them. Luckily since Melanie came on board as the event planner a few years ago and took over a lot of the logistics which left me the opportunity to focus more on the decor and program aspect of the event which is more up my alley.

This year's theme is Mad Hatter's Tea Party and has been really fun to plan. Since choosing the theme I've noticed Alice in Wonderland parties popping up everywhere. I'm sure that has something to do with the release of the new movie. I'm excited to be able to show you pictures of all of the decorations next week!

This year we have a lot of out of town guests coming too. We have some people that are on the BirthMom Buds staff and I've been friends with for several years now but have never met in person!!

It seems like no matter how much I do before hand there still ends up being a lot of little things left to do in the days right before our event so that will keep me busy this week but next week I plan to address some of the questions that some of you have asked me regarding Noah's up coming surgery.

1 comment:

  1. Love you Girl. Your AWEsome and I'm excited to see you and all the other birthmoms.
