Around Coley's Corner

Sunday, June 21, 2009

In Memory of our Angel Baby

Darcy Quinn  Joined Heaven’s Nursery on June 21, 2005
Balloons from the memorial service
I had told myself I wouldn't post anything this year publicly but I've changed my mind...  She's been there 4 years today.......
The balloons floating up to heaven
Even though I never saw her face or held her in my arms, she was and always be a part of me. I think some people don’t get it and I’m not so sure that I would have before her, but I do now.  I’ll never forget her short life inside my belly. Sometimes my mind drifts there more often there others, especially on days like today. I’m glad it was Father’s Day though – I was busy and distracted and my mind didn’t drift there as much as it probably would have. My mind went there on the drive home from my parents' and it's still there now.  
  D and Q charms which stand for Darcy Quinn. We chose Darcy Quinn because we nicknamed her "Drama Queen" because of all the "drama" she caused with a million doctors' appointments.
  I’m constantly comforted by the fact that Darcy is in a better place. She’s in heaven with a Grandmother, Great Grandparents, and other relatives to love her. And the ultimate comfort is knowing that one day I will see her sweet face and hold her in my arms when it is my time to leave earth. 
A Precious Moments figurine given to us when Darcy died. It's called "Angel of Hope" and will always remain in our bedroom. 
I want to take a minute and say thank you to our dear friends and family who provided such a great source of comfort to us during that time. The cards, gifts, flowers, thoughts, phone calls, visits, and prayers will never be forgotten. 
A sampling of what we received from friends and family - and this is just the materialistic stuff and doesn't include the gestures, thoughts, and prayers!


  1. *Big, huge hugs*

    I know I didn't have as long with my twins as you had with Darcy in you womb, but with the recent loss of them and the pain all too fresh, know that I am thinking of you today and always with an understanding I wouldn't have had just a few months ago.

    Much love and prayers are being sent your way!

  2. Dear Coley,

    I had no clue about Darcy- so sorry you and your family had to go through that. *BIG HUG* Remember God loves you, and is looking after Darcy.


  3. Coley,

    this post brought tears to my eyes. I wish I could be there in person to give you a great big hug, but here is a virtual one, HUGS, HUGS, and more HUGS. Darcy is also in Heaven with my great grandma who has been there for twenty-five years and my grandma ever since February. They love kids and will also love on Darcy A LOT. The card I sent you and the prayers were the least I could do for a wonderful friend like you who has always been there for me.


  4. Coley, This is one of the hardest days to me, because its the day I saw the rawest pain in my best friends eyes and could not make it go away. Wish I had the right words. hugs always
