Around Coley's Corner

Friday, June 19, 2009

Father's Day Frosty Weekend

For the past few years The Dave Thomas Foundation (an organization created by Wendy’s founder Dave Thomas) and Wendy’s have held “Father’s Day Frosty Weekend”. 50 cents from the sale of each frosty (or frosty product) sold during Father’s Day weekend (June 20th and 21st) will be donated to The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption. 

And something new this year (or at least I wasn’t aware of it last year) - The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption has created some Father’s Day e-cards and each time an e-card is sent 25 cents will be donated to the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption.

The Dave Thomas Foundation is a national non profit organization dedicated to finding homes for the finding permanent, loving homes for 150,000 children waiting in Foster Care so stop by Wendy’s or send an e-card this weekend to support this worthy cause!

1 comment:

  1. I live for frosties...everytime i see that comercial it makes my heart stop beating lol!
