Around Coley's Corner

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Strawberry Vinaigrette

strawberry.jpgWhen I was at the church retreat in March with my Mom, one night for dinner we had salad with raspberry vinaigrette dressing. The dressing was REALLY good. I'd never had raspberry vinaigrette before. Not too long after that, my friend Kami and I were discussing foods we can and can not eat. (She's diabetic and I am limited as to what I can eat because of my ulcer.) So, anyways she told me she had a great recipe for strawberry vinaigrette dressing. Today, I started thinking about the raspberry dressing and called Kami up for the recipe. I used strawberry jam but you can use raspberry jam, blackberry jam - whatever you want! I want to try it with orange marmalade or maybe even some pineapple and then make the salad have a little Asian flair with some slivered almonds and chicken. And although, I served this with salad, I think it'd be awesome drizzled over some angel food cake with fresh strawberries. YUM! I had leftovers, so I just poured it in a jar and put it in the fridge. Here's the recipe - if you try it, I want to know about it!
Strawberry Vinaigrette: 1/3 cup strawberry jam (I used the sugar free kind.) 1/2 cup red wine vinegar (could also use balsamic vinegar here I think) 1/4 cup olive oil 1/4 tsp. of salt (you may have to add a little more salt depending on how salty you like your food) Whisk it all together for a few minutes or pulse it in the food processor.
Now, I made a few slight changes to my liking. I added a little more jam, I probably added a little over 1/2 cup of jam total to make it a little thicker and to make it less sour. When I make it again, I think I am going to try it with balsamic vinegar instead of the red whine.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, was just checking out your site and found that you can't have tomato based foods. Wow, my daughter is allergic to tomatoes, so its so hard to cook dinner for everyone. I just loved your chicken lasagna and enchiladas, which I am going to make for her and us. Your site is inspirational and uplifting.Best of luck with your precious son. I have a 15 yr son, who is the apple of my eye too. Merry Christmas and keep those tomato-free recipes coming. Karen
