Around Coley's Corner

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

You were Made for This Owlie Reminder

Click here to read the story behind my personal mantra, "You were Made for This." 

Click here to see the other photos in my "You were made for This" photo series.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Owl Diaper Cake

You know I love owlies, right? 
So I just had to share this adorable owl diaper cake my BFF made for a baby shower. 

Isn't she a cutie! 

And she made a tutorial. Check it out in the video below!

(Linking to the parties listed in my sidebar)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Vinyl Nursery Decor

My friend Leah just recently had a beautiful baby girl. Back when she was decorating the baby's room, she mentioned on Facebook that she was looking for some vinyl decor for the walls. She had already bought a vinyl tree but wanted to add some birds to add some pops of color to the room. I offered to make whatever she wanted so she chose a couple of images from the Silhouette store and a couple of different colors of vinyl and I cut  them with my Silhouette machine. 

I made all those cute little birdies. 

More birdies and a cute little owl. 

I really love how it turned out. I've never used vinyl decor in my own home but now I really want to! I'm thinking a vinyl quote in the living room or kitchen..... or something! 

Monday, February 11, 2013

Love is All You Need Art

I needed something Valentine-y to go above my mantel so I decided to break out of my crafting slump, get out my Silhouette machine and make some canvas art. 

I love how it turned out!

I started off with a canvas, some music themed scrapbook paper to match the song lyrics I chose to use, some red and black cardstock, Mod Podge, and a glue stick

I used the Mod Podge to adhere the paper to the canvas then I simply cut out the heart and the text with the Silhouette machine. I adhered the heart and text to the canvas with a glue stick. 

The font for "love" is one of my all time favorite fonts, Missed Your Exit

The font for "is all you need" is Lucida Calligraphy

I added some ribbon to the back of the canvas so it could hang above the mantel. 

Then I used my favorite trick to make it pop by framing the canvas art with my red frame. 

I love how it turned out! 

This post is part of a monthly Silhouette challenge created by Lauren at The Thinking Closet. Check out the links below for more projects by some talented crafty ladies using their Silhouette machines. 

Burlap Love Banner & Free Cut File - (The Thinking Closet)

Interested in joining us for our group posting event next month?  We'd love to have you.  Simply contact Lauren from The Thinking Closet by email.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Our Version of the Fish Bowl Valentine

I have seen the "fish bowl Valentine" pinned many times this year. You can find printable versions at The Cards We Drew and I Heart Naptime but Noah and I decided to make our own version...... 

Cute, isn't it?

Because goldfish crackers have been a long time favorite of Noah's we opted to use those inside instead of gummy fish. And he insisted on orange hearts instead of red. Very un-traditional and very Noah at the same time.

I left the insides of them blank and let Noah paint them in blue with his beloved dot markers

I think when we do the rest, I might use a little less goldfish crackers so you can see his beautiful dots better. Either way, he's proud of them! 

Friday, February 8, 2013

He Loves his Pictures

Noah loves pictures and recently I was looking around his room and noticed there weren't enough pictures around. The crafty girl in me wanted to make him some picture frames but he's been known to take them off shelves or where ever they are and hold them so I didn't want to use glass frames. I opted to just use plain old plastic frames and just let the pictures speak from themselves. 

So I gathered up some pictures and framed them while he was at school. When he came home they were in various different spots of his room; a couple spaced out on the bookshelves, two on the dresser, and one on the bed side table. My the time he went to bed, I walked in his room and found this........

Yep, he moved all the pictures in a little pile on his bedside table so he could see them better! 

(PS. I moved them back the next day and he did it again. Too cute!) 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

You Rock my Socks Valentine's Day Gift

This is a little gift I made for Noah's PCAs's, teachers, and aides last year. 
It turned out soooo cute!

I started out with these:
little heart shaped boxes and socks from the Dollar Spot at Target. 

Then I got creative with my Silhouette machine and scrapbook paper. I used a basic heart shape and the sock monkey image from the Silhouette store and decorated the top of the heart shaped box. I simply adhered the heart on to the box, paper pieced the sock monkey and adhered it to the heart, and then added the vinyl letters. Easy peasy! 

Roll up the socks and stick them in the heart shaped box.

And now you have a cute little gift!

Love it! 

(Linking up to the parties listed in my sidebar)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Because he's My Child

People often tell me what a great Mom I am and how they don’t know how I do it. But the truth is I often don’t feel like a great Mom at all. The truth is most of the time I feel like I am barely scraping by. I make mistakes and lots of them, I call my Mom or BFF late at night having a mini breakdown about something I’m worried about, and I worry – A LOT – about the future. I stress that I’m not doing enough, that I’m not good enough, and that the mistakes I’m making are huge mistakes that will scar him for life. 

But I’ve learned that I’m not that different from Mom’s of typical children. While I’m struggling with wheelchairs, IEPs, and what not, they are struggling with teen and tween attitudes, homework, teaching their children to keep their rooms clean and do chores. We're all struggling to get our kids up and out the door on time, to care for them when they are sick, and to provide them with a good childhood full of unconditional love. And why do we all do it? Because they are our children and we love them to the moon and back.  The struggles are different but they are struggles just the same. We all do it because they are our children – it’s that simple. 

My version of a great Mom is someone who puts her child’s need above her own. She accepts the struggles and challenges and does what she has to do for her kids even when she’s exhausted and would much rather be sleeping, soaking in a hot tub, or doing something for herself. Most of us are good Moms because they are our beloved children and it’s just what we do; it’s just hard for us to see that. 

The next time someone says “I just don’t know how you do it,” I’m memorizing the chorus of this amazing song by Jennifer Shaw and I’ll respond by saying:
"When those eyes are looking up at mine,
Every trial, every fear in that moment disappears
And you realize that it's all worthwhile,
When it's your child." 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Quote of the Week: Next Chapter

"You can't start the next chapter of life if you keep re-reading the last one."
- Unknown 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Weekend Wonders: Valentine's Decor

Do you decorate for Valentine's Day? I do a little bit and since it's right around the corner for this weekend's post, I am featuring cute Love Day Decor. 

My Heart's Desire shares how to create this cute conversation candy filled hurricane candle. 

Pop this cute printable from the girls at Eighteen 25 into a frame and you have instant and easy decor.

Valentine Mailboxes
These little Valentine Mailboxes from Gigi's Creative Designs actually hold Hershey Nuggets. So cute!

Tree of Love
How cute is this "Tree of Love" featuring photos of loved ones shared at Tater Tots and Jello.

Candy Bouquet
I love this candy bouquet (that has a coordinating poem) from Pattie Wack.

XOXO Candles
Lemon Tree Dwelling shares a simple way to dress up everyday candles for Valentine's Day.

Button Heart Art
Mama's Crafty Space shares this cute button heart art idea.