Around Coley's Corner

Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween 2008

Noah dressed as a wizard this year and looks pretty cute in his wizard cape and hat don't ya think?!? (Ok, I think he looks cute in everything!!)
Once again, this year's costume was made by "Aunt Snowy." Thank you Aunt Snowy!!
Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween Goodies

So we have been busy in our house today preparing goodies for the Halloween Party/Birthday Party/Carnival at Noah's school tomorrow. There's the Halloween Carnival that they have every year in the gym and then the Halloween party for his class which is mushed together with his and another classmate's birthday party.

Since Noah doesn't like regular sweets we got creative and made a version of the trail mix that my Mom makes. I put in some of Noah's favorite things and then threw in two sweet things that the other kids might enjoy so it consists of popcorn, goldfish crackers, mini pretzels, candy corn, and M&Ms. I'm sure the kids will love it!

While Noah was at school today I finished making the "mummy cups" which are a Halloween goodie for his classmates. They are just white cups wrapped with white fabric to look like a mummy and two wiggly eyes are glued on. Once Noah got home, we stuffed them with some goodies for his classmates and then I bagged them up and tied ribbons to close them.

So, we are ready for Halloween here! Come back tomorrow to see a picture of Noah in his costume!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Noah's 12th Birthday Recap

Noah's birthday was Saturday. I am now the Mom of a 12 year old. Eeek! As I mentioned in the previous post, in the past we have had big parties but Noah would get stressed out so this year we opted for a very small party and I'm so glad we did! I kept the guest list super small and only included close family. Uncle Andy was able to make it from Charleston and of course Nana and Grandad were present as well as Aunt/Cousin Holly. Noah seemed to really enjoy himself and was happy while opening presents from Grandad's lap, eating chips and (spinach!) dip from Grandad's lap and blowing out the candles on his orange Clemson tiger paw cake. (Nope, he didn't do that from Grandad's lap!) The party had a Clemson theme - meaning we had orange decorations and a tiger paw birthday cake that I made. (Side note - it takes a TON Of food coloring to make icing THAT orange!!)

Noah received many nice gifts as always! Our living room was covered in orange either from gifts or the party decor! Noah received a Clemson bedspread and sheets, a rug with a tiger paw, a Clemson poster, a few other misc. Clemson items for his room, a big inflatable Clemson "tackle buddy," a Clemson polar fleece, books, and much more that just isn't popping to mind at the moment! Noah's room is definitely all decked out in Clemson colors. (We just need to paint the walls and his bookshelf!) Yes, ALL the boys in my life love Clemson.

I'm not that good at taking pictures at Noah's parties because I am typically so involved so this time I just gave my niece, Holly, my camera and let her go to town. (Thank you for being my photographer whenever I need you to Holly! You take much better pictures than the husband!!) She took a TON of pictures; so many that I am really having a hard time deciding which ones to share here!

All in all, my boy had a great birthday!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Celebrating Noah

Twelve years ago on this day at 2:12 in the morning an impatient tiny baby boy made his early entrance into this world. The moment he was born my life changed forever. His first breath took mine away - I was in awe. I was in love. I was exhausted. I was a MOM!

I was nineteen when Noah was born. We've grown up together in some ways. Noah has taught me more than he will ever realize and not just basic Mom things like changing diapers or staying up with a sick child. He's taught me about unconditional love. Because of him, I'm a better person. I've made many, many mistakes and I've done many things right. It hasn't been an easy road but it's definately been worth it. Today, we celebrate Noah! It will be a low key celebration. In the past, I've thrown these big parties but they just stress Noah out. He doesn't do well with a crowd so I hope he will enjoy this celebration amongst close family. BIg or small - we will celebrate the day Noah entered our lives and stole our hearts. We celebrate all that he is and all that he will become.

Monday, October 20, 2008

A Dinosaur Please

Noah always asks for the funniest things for Christmas and his birthday. For the past few years at Christmas he has asked for a real live reindeer and last year he upped the anty by asking for TWO reindeers; a Mommy and a Daddy reindeer! Two Christmas ago he asked for a space shuttle with keys! Not a toy space shuttle – a real live space shuttle he could drive. Last year for his birthday, he wanted a school bus. So, when talking to my Mom last night, she thought it would be funny to ask Noah what he wants for his birthday and see what was in his little head. (His birthday is Saturday.) True to his character, it was over the top! He’d like a dinosaur please. Yep, he said please! Silly boy!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Born a Momma

Noah was at my parents' house today and they were looking at pictures on the big screen which is one of Noah's favorite things to do. (My Dad has pictures on the computer and it's hooked up to the Television so that you can view pictures on the TV.) So, they were looking at pictures and my Dad put up some of me as a little girl. Noad did NOT like these and did not want to look at them. They tried to explain that it was his Momma when she was a little girl but he didn't want to hear any of that. When he got home, I talked to him a little bit more about it. I showed him a picture of me as a little girl and he said it was not me. It seems he thinks that I was never little. He thinks I was just born his Momma! He's a silly silly boy! Maybe I was born to be a Momma but I wasn't BORN as a Momma and those pictures of me at three years old is proof or that baby would have whiplash from the way I was man handling her! And what good Momma dumps out all her blocks and is really destructive right next to her baby's crib? I was really cute though, don't ya think?!? :)